The Natural Resource Conservation Service has funding available for multiple management practices in high nitrate priority areas. This program promotes the use of advanced nutrient management strategies to reduce overall inputs as well as using cover crops to capture any remaining nutrients in the fall and release them back into the soil profile the following growing season. The application deadline for funding is November 17, 2023. Practices and compensation are as follows:
1. Nutrient Management
a. Advanced Nutrient Management- Includes soil sampling every 40 acres, includes the use of chlorophyll sensors using weekly satellite imagery to write fertigation prescriptions for each field. Studies have proven that this technology can save 30 pounds of nitrogen without hurting crop yields. NRCS Cost share rate is $42.37 per acre for 3 years with a $15,000 per year cap.
b. Basic Nutrient Management- Includes soil sampling every 40 acres, includes the application of fertilizer according to the UNL recommendations. NRCS cost share rates are $8.75 per acre with a $15,000 per year cap.
2. Cover Crops
a. Multi-Species Cover Crop- Includes 3 or more cover crop species. Usual mixes include rye, turnips, and radishes. These cover crops can be grazed in fall and spring and can be sprayed out to plant the next crop. NRCS cost share rates are $40.88 per acre with a $7,500 per year cap.
b. Single Species Cover Crop- Planted in the fall. NRCS cost share rates are $28.58 per acre with a $7,500 per year cap.
3. Irrigation Water Management
a. Utilizes soil moisture probes throughout the irrigation season to track soil moisture and assist in irrigation decisions. NRCS cost share rates are $1,219 per probe.
Applications are approved based on a ranking process, higher priority is given to applications in an approved watershed management plan (South Loup, Clear Creek) or a Groundwater Quality Management Area (Areas 28, 29, or 30). To be considered for 2024 funding, you must apply by November 17, 2023. Please contact your local NRCS office for assistance in applying for these opportunities.
NRCS Offices:
Albion (402) 395-2621
Burwell (308) 346-4457
Columbus (308) 564-0506
Fullerton (308) 536-2456
Ord (308) 728-3244
Spalding (308) 497-2471
St. Paul (308) 754-4424