• Native Prairie Restoration
  • Cool Season and Introduced selections
  • Habitat and Food Plot options
  • Cover Crops and Soil Builder species
  • Turf Grasses

The NRD has available for rent three no-till drills that are capable of planting a variety of seed types as well a handle a wide array of site conditions.  The drills are available to all the cooperators in the entire District.   The NRD also has two Horizon grass drills that require a more prepared site.  Drill rentals are $12 an acre, except for the smaller 4-wheeler drill which is a flat rate of $30 a day.

The drills can be utilized in the establishment of a multitude of different grasses for soil conservation, water quality and wildlife habitat.  A no-till grass drill is needed to handle the small, fluffy seeds associated with many warm and cool season grasses, wildflowers and legumes.  Seeds for grasses such as big bluestem, little bluestem, and Indian grass are not effectively planted with conventional drills.

The use of no-till drills will optimize moisture retention in drought stressed areas.  Fuel savings have been demonstrated by the elimination of primary tillage such as plowing and seedbed preparation.

The NRD can assist you in all your grass seed needs or feel free to contact your local NRCS office to see if you qualify for assistance programs such as CRP (Conservation Reserve Program), Continuous CRP, CREP (Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program), CSP (Conservation Stewardship Program), WRP (Wetland Reserve Program), EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentive Program), Buffer Strip Program, Corners for Wildlife, and Wild Nebraska.