The Lower Loup Natural Resources District owns and operates the Pibel Lake Recreation Area in southwest Wheeler County after a transfer of ownership from the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. The NRD completed a major renovation of the recreation area in 2016. The improvements include a new picnic shelter on the south end of the lake, a pedestrian bridge across the north end of the lake, two ADA compliant fishing piers, improvements to the outlet structure, and a sedimentation basin to improve water quality at the recreation area. Pibel Lake is also the home of the National Champion Eastern Cottonwood, the massive tree sits on the east side of the lake.
For a video tour of the amenities at Pibel Lake, watch the video below!
Several large, hazardous trees have also been removed. ADA-compliant handicap parking has been created. Flood damage from 2009 and 2010 was also repaired. New playground equipment has been installed and a recreational trail is also being considered. Part of the funding for the project came from the Nebraska Environmental Trust.
Pibel Lake Recreation Area is a 72-acre facility, including the 24-acre lake. The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission had renovated the lake prior to the NRD taking ownership in May, 2012. The lake is stocked with a variety of fish, including bluegills, largemouth bass, and channel catfish.
Part of the lake renovation project targeted water quality improvements and included the new sedimentation basin at the top of the lake. The Lower Loup NRD has installed a water quality monitoring station to provide data on a number of water quality parameters. To view the data, click here..