This Report is brought to you by the Lower Loup Natural Resources District using data from the High Plains Regional Climate Center via the Nebraska Agricultural Water Management Network. Precipitation data is acquired using the STATION TOOL from High Plains Regional Climate Center. Crop ET data is acquired through the GDD & ET CALCULATOR via Cropwatch from the University of Nebraska- Lincoln.

Below is the weekly precipitation data and average crop water use of area corn, soybeans, and potatoes over the past week. Precipitation data will be updated every Wednesday throughout the year and  ET data will be updated every Wednesday through the growing season. This data uses an May 1- May 20 planting timeline to determine crop growth stages. Growing Season (Accumulated) precipitation is calculated from May 15th to the end of the growing season.

To use this information, your fields should be within 60 miles of the weather station listed, and at the listed stage of maturity.

Average Crop ET

Precipitation Reports For Last Week

Precipitation Reports For Last 30 Days

Accumulated Precipitation During Growing Season

Drought Monitor Map

Soil Temperature Update

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